Page name: ET Photograph Competition [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Elftown Photography Competition



This contest is CLOSED!

Moderators: [Cillamoon] & [Akayume]


- Latest Photo Contest -

Theme: Colour


Dying Banana Leaf by [hannes]



Photographs must be taken by Elftowners and posted here by the original photographer. Which means, no matter how much you might like a particular image on somebody's house, you are not allowed to add it here. This includes random images from the net too. TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTOS AND DO NOT STEAL THEM FROM OTHERS. THAT'S JUST RUDE.


No manipulations will be allowed for this contest! Please, photography only!

If you stick up a photo just because this is a photo competition, your entry will be removed without warning. ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT MEET THE THEME WILL BE REMOVED.

To upload your image full-size you can use the feature 'Upload a folder of images' that is shown on your house.
This feature allows you to upload one, multiple images or zip-files in their original size to a wiki-page.
Once you click this link you can follow the instructions. See also uploading images.

Since the winners will be featured on Main Street, images that depict graphic violence, pornography or other disturbing actions will not be accepted. Only photographs that fit the current theme will be allowed.



Up to 2 Winners will be chosen by public poll. The winners will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it:

<img:img/new/shutterbug1.gif> <img:img/new/shutterbug2.gif>

This contest is CLOSED!

Thanks to all for entering!

'Colour' Photos, Page 1


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- Photographers
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2005-02-22 [Lizzies Diamond]: So Have I .. I can take!!

2005-02-22 [Kelaria]: I'm not sure how to make my images the right size! I dont really know what to look for... could someone help me?

2005-02-22 [Sunrose]: You can let Elftown resize them to the right size automatically :)

2005-02-22 [cuntface]: i wish they allowed manipulations... i take all my photos, i just like playing around with them :o

2005-02-22 [Kelaria]: really? do I just upload it into the photo or drawing slot on my house?

2005-02-22 [Sunrose]: Yes you can upload it there. Then if you put it on the submissionpage you can create the url so that Elftown resizes the image and makes it enlargeable :)

2005-02-22 [Kelaria]: how would I do that? could you maybe give me an example? (sorry, I just want to do it right so I'm not disqualified or anything!)

2005-02-22 [OceanBorn]: Well, I think this will be good since i have recently taken up photography! I doubt I'll win due to the obvious, but I will enjoy it and it should come in as good practise! Thanks et :D

2005-02-22 [Sunrose]: Normally when you put an image on the wiki you do it like this: <img:url>. To resize an iimage you do it like this: <img300:url> . The width of the image will now automatically be 300 :)

2005-02-22 [Kelaria]: oooh! ok! but what about height?

2005-02-22 [Sunrose]: Most of the time resizing the width is enough. But if you want to know more for height, you should read Pseudo html ;)

2005-02-22 [Kelaria]: ok! thanks!!

2005-02-22 [Yuriona]: Ladies and gentlemen: Please keep in mind that this contest is a themed contest. That means photographs entered should adhere to the contest theme guidelines. *points to theme explanation* Any photographs that do not comply with the theme as outlined, will be disqualified.

2005-02-23 [Noexistantanymo]: W000t... Finally a photographers contest.. DAMN I've been waiting for AGES to find one here on ET... >.<

2005-02-23 [Kelaria]: ....o...k..... *raises an eyebrow*

2005-02-23 [e5hnzwu5]: who is the loveable person who made this up? <3

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: Brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood ET Council and the Great Assembly.

2005-02-23 [e5hnzwu5]: okay. no particular person?

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: Well, I'm the administrator but it was a joint idea. :D

2005-02-23 [e5hnzwu5]: okay^^

2005-02-23 [MisLuck]: sounds nice.

2005-02-23 [Noexistantanymo]: A joint idea from all the members of ET who've been complaining about that there weren't any existing photo competitions.... (People like me)

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: LOL!! You among many. ^^

2005-02-23 [Noexistantanymo]: I was right then? :p

2005-02-23 [Keii]: Will there ever be a featured photo wiki set up. Like the daily poem and featured artwork?

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: I don't know. Why don't you head over to Assembly and make the suggestion. That sounds like a good idea!

2005-02-23 [Keii]: I might just do that. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that it's been mentioned before somewhere, and rejected. Although that might have been something else...

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: It never hurts to ask again. I'll post it in the Assembly forum and see what they say.

2005-02-23 [Noexistantanymo]: I would love to see one coming up.. Since I'm more interested in photos than any other kind of art.. o.o

2005-02-23 [Keii]: I was just about to post there [Yuriona], but you got there before me...

2005-02-23 [Yuriona]: Sowwy... ^_^

2005-02-23 [Keii]: Heh, it's quite alright. ^-^

2005-02-23 [Sawy]: Oh Man!!! i love photography!! i am so gonna try and get time to enter this!...and i'm gonna get such a boner! XD

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: hmm .. i dont think my rainy school bus picture will work then .. i dont know if it goes with the themse . will some one go to my page and tell me if they think it doe s?

2005-02-24 [Yuriona]: Sorry but I don't think it really suits the theme.

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ok its cool . thanks .. ill see if i have any others that can work .. if not i need to go take some imkinda new at all this .. so i dont know what im doing . yey ..

2005-02-24 [irulan]: [AndrewJacobG] - your entry has been moved to Season Photos, page 1.

2005-02-24 [Tepi]: Hey everybody! (and sorry for advertising ;) but if there's anyone interested in photo manipulation, check out photomanipulators ^_^ new ideas and members are welcome. There are also a banner contest so we need desperately your help there! Thanx! ^_^

2005-02-24 [farfala]: wuuooojuuu!!! ^_^

2005-02-25 [Neko the Kitty]: would this work? <img:>

2005-02-25 [Kelaria]: oh wow!! where did you take that photo!?? that is sooo beautiful!

2005-02-25 [Blakkduv]: its ther dog atreyu i know its owner [Wolf's Rain]

2005-02-25 [Blakkduv]: o ya are u the sister?

2005-02-25 [Kelaria]: it looks like a wolf! sooo beautiful!

2005-02-26 [jamesipoo]: cool pic ^_^

2005-02-27 [Doormat]: so, the photos could include people in them?

2005-02-27 [Yuriona]: Certainly. As long as the theme of the contest, Change of Seasons, is well represented.

2005-02-27 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i think as long as it shows changing seasons .

2005-02-27 [Drowning In A Daydream]: That is a very beautiful wolf or husky..?

2005-02-27 [Yuriona]: An Alaskan Malamute perhaps?

2005-02-27 [FireGypsy]: lol its a dog =D

2005-02-27 [Kelaria]: what breed?

2005-03-01 [Cascading water lillies]: Oooh, I love the dog..I don't think it's a huskie though, they are really something :)

2005-03-05 [Ambaron]: I think it's a Samoied... I'm not sure how to write it.

2005-03-05 [Beautyeverywhere]: Is there a deadline at all?

2005-03-05 [Yuriona]: March 21, 2005

2005-03-06 [Dweasel]: I know theres no digital art manipulation but can you contrast and levels and crop and all that?

2005-03-06 [Yuriona]: Contrast adjustment, cropping and such are acceptable.

2005-03-08 [Kaman]: I'ts beautiful, but it could be better.

2005-03-10 [Ihsahn]: OoOoO i am getting my picture up on here i have one of a moose!

2005-03-10 [Daybreak's Temptation]: i have a cute photo o my horse on my home page, so if anyone would care to check it out, feel free.

2005-03-11 [Neko the Kitty]: To the top comments:No I'm not his sister I don't want to be related to him he's a jerk i hate him and he's NOT the owner.

2005-03-11 [Tyrana]: I hope I can find an older picture somewhere... None of mine now would fit the theme! I live in Western Maine... and it's technically coming up on spring... but it's below zero outside, and we're supposed to get three feet of snow this weekend!! So much for spring. ^_^

2005-03-12 [jamesipoo]: Lol i live in northern minnesota so its gonna be hard to find a decent pic of the changing of seasons

2005-03-12 [Dweasel]: I live in northern California and we don't have any snow right now but we're supposed to get more this weekend

2005-03-12 [Tyrana]: It's snowing now... A LOT... it's been snowing all day.. hittin' two feet soon... and it isn't stopping! I wish I could get the webcam to reach the window...

2005-03-12 [Ocean Soul]: Here (middle of germany) it´s snowing too.. damn it.. I wanted to participate in this, but with the snow all over its kinda impossible right now :(

2005-03-12 [Minotaur Queen]: I wish it would snow here..... we've been in a drought for 8 years now... only got about 1 foot of snow when we usually get 4-10 feet...

2005-03-12 [Noexistantanymo]: And the competition is soon over X_X I only got one pic -.-'

2005-03-12 [Ocean Soul]: I got no pic at all ._.

2005-03-12 [Noexistantanymo]: You wanna switch Shelby? o.o

2005-03-12 [Minotaur Queen]: Yes PLEASE!!!!

2005-03-14 [Blasphemous Rumours]: You guys are amazing photographers!

2005-03-16 [Master Fio]: yay finally a photography competition 2 bad there are no seasonal changes here yet and my modle (my little sister) is away on camp

2005-03-16 [Ocean Soul]: Here the spring has finally started, yay :) Blue sky, sun, actually feels even a bit strange after all the winter months..

2005-03-16 [Yuriona]: Spring?? Where?? *looks around* They're calling for more snow here today... -_-'

2005-03-16 [Rennie]: heeheehee...*sits back and basks in Florida weather*

2005-03-16 [Rennie]:'s raining today...but no snow ^______^

2005-03-16 [Yuriona]: *throws virtual snowball at Erin* TAKE THAT!! I can't believe you've already been on the beach. IN MARCH!! CURSE YOU AQUA SCUM!!! *shakes fist* I'm pasty for 9 months of the year. O_O

2005-03-16 [Rennie]: *evil grin* *sloughs off pastiness* muahahahahahaha...

2005-03-18 [Dweasel]: Getting more snow this weekened:(

2005-03-18 [Jewl]: I'm never pasty, just... always pale. I don't suntan... I don't even sunburn, usually. I Just stay pale.

2005-03-20 [moira hawthorne]: really another like me! Im parts cree and parts norse...(with other stuff thrown in for good measure!) but each one of my siblings came out different as far as colouration and skin quality

2005-03-20 [shotokan_gal]: Ohhhh deadline tommorow, how's this going to be judged?

2005-03-20 [Yuriona]: And I quote from the page above the badges *points*: Note: Two Photographs will be chosen by the Council and the Assembly among all those presented.

2005-03-20 [shotokan_gal]: Ahhh *doh*. Too sleepy tonight. Any particular criterion? Looks like its going to be quite hard to decide.

2005-03-20 [Yuriona]: *shrugs* That's up to the Council and the Assembly.

2005-03-20 [shotokan_gal]: Fair enough. Be interesting to see. Hope there'll be more planned for the future, seems a lot love photography. Though I guess it must be annoying removing all the non-themed images, there's a lot of good talent out there.

2005-03-21 [Yuriona]: It can be but it's more annoying when people get all steamed up over a simple request to explain their photo. It's nothing personal... I just need to know that the entrant knows what the theme is and how their entry (or entries) fit it.

2005-03-21 [Blurple Berrie]: VV *sigh* sadly, my long absences have made me late for competition...I hope they hold another one soon!

2005-03-22 [Vesthrix]: Funny, no one asked me to explain my photo before it was removed for not being in the theme, though I admitted it was a stretch. Oh, well.

2005-03-22 [Rennie]: technically, no one *needs* to ask you if it makes sense with the theme or not...that's why the rules are posted where they are so people can read and follow before entering something.

2005-03-22 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: hmm i cant wait to see who wins!

2005-03-22 [shotokan_gal]: I believe announcements were put on every page saying which photo numbers would be removed if they weren't explained. I don't think [Yuriona] had the time to message each individual seperately (and why should she anyway). It's your responsibility to watch the contest closely.

2005-03-22 [Lioness2]: Hmm, i agree. The arguement is old and has now lost its purpose. Lesson to the rules, don't just skip them or skim them through. Check this page every day if you post a photo, it's your responsibility to look after your own entry. Now shush, all of you, i have a headache... *walks away grumbling like the old woman she is*

2005-03-22 [Yuriona]: There... all offensive comments removed. I suggest that this ends here or reports will be sent to the guards pertaining to annoying and offensive comments on this wiki. I might also add that [Rennie] is in fact one of the Guards. Thank you all ladies and gentlemen for your entries and your opinions.

2005-03-23 [Rennie]: *grins* wouldn't want ta anger the brute squad ;)

2005-03-23 [Yuriona]: *grins* You are the brute squad. lol!

2005-03-23 [Master Fio]: *jumps up and down* i wanna see who wins. so sue me im inpatient

2005-03-23 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i know me to !!

2005-03-23 [Master Fio]: boobum clickety clack.......see im going insane waiting

2005-03-24 [nhd]: whens the contest winnners choosen?

2005-03-24 [Yuriona]: Eventually.

2005-03-25 [Master Fio]: ladedoladeda im a great singer

2005-03-27 [Vëaneron]: ups only now I saw this contest... when will the next one happen??

2005-03-27 [Fingon]: Hey i put my photos but i did not get a badge WHY ? he he

2005-03-27 [Rennie]: I'm sure they are still working on it...

2005-03-27 [Alfirin Lindlea]: I have nae had a badge either. They're prolly still sorting it all out :P

2005-03-28 [Tyrana]: It takes a while. They haven't even decided who won yet. There are a lot of pictures up there. ^_^

2005-03-28 [Pathos]: So....Who won?

2005-03-28 [Doormat]: /patience

2005-03-28 [Ihsahn]: badge horny :o

2005-03-28 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: lol .. omg i cant wait to see who wins . grr

2005-03-28 [Master Fio]: If i dont die off waiting ill die of 2 much chocolate. erg I feel sick

2005-03-28 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: haha yeah same here

2005-03-30 [Beautyeverywhere]: Is there a deadline?

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: Contest is already closed.

2005-03-30 [IzzyKSK]: When will the results be anounced?

2005-03-30 [Rennie]: not sure yet...soon I guess :)

2005-03-30 [IzzyKSK]: Yay, I can't wait ^-^

2005-03-31 [Master Fio]: its taking a very long time 2 judge

2005-03-31 [Orouriel]: of course, there are a very lot entries :-P

2005-03-31 [Sekosen]: Polly wants a badge...

2005-03-31 [Ihsahn]: wait for it then :)

2005-04-01 [Master Fio]: polly want a cracker 2?

2005-04-01 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ahh its been like 10 days

2005-04-01 [Yuriona]: *twitches* My apologies. I've been kept busy of late with sick children and other such family issues and haven't had the opportunity to attend to this appropriately. My apologies... I will get to it as soon as I am able to.

2005-04-01 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: its alright .. we all know you have a life out side of et

2005-04-01 [Apus]: There's life outside Elftown?!!! o_O'

2005-04-02 [Ihsahn]: yay i like the badge

2005-04-02 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: lol . not for me . byt maybe other people

2005-04-02 [Fingon]: ah I need the BADGE or I am going to DIE

2005-04-02 [Ocean Soul]: Bah i think there shouldnt be a badge for everyone.. its like.. people only participate in order to get the badge ._.

2005-04-02 [shotokan_gal]: Hmm [Fingon], the same who entered the frontpage competition with an illegal pic? For badge-glory? *snorts*

2005-04-02 [01234]: And, [Fingon], this isn't a world-stage competition... this site is for fun anyway, and people are just getting rewarded to participate because then we'll participate more!

2005-04-02 [Ihsahn]: indeed lol

2005-04-02 [moira hawthorne]: I like the birdie... I have about as much chance of winning as my snowman has of surviving this rain... wait ... snowman IS ALREADY GONE!

2005-04-03 [Tyrana]: Yeah, looking at the other photographs, mine are pretty goofy in retrospect. There are some pretty talented photographers here. I'm impressed.

2005-04-03 [Fingon]: Say what eve you want but that two pictures i put on for competition were taken by me! I have a picture of my house at the mounteins and my parents friends and ewerything so THIS TWO PICTURES ARE MINE! And about that picture from that other competition I put it up just so they can use it if thay want and not because I made it! OK?

2005-04-03 [Ocean Soul]: But you can´t enter a contest with a picture you didn´t make yourself - and even less without saying it wasn´t made by you!

2005-04-03 [Fingon]: I didn't say anything It wa a nice picture and I put it there because it would look nice on the start page that's all!

2005-04-03 [Ocean Soul]: But that definitely is breaking the copyright law.. and if that picture would´ve been chosen to be the winner, people would´ve taken you as the artist. That´s so wrong, don´t you see it?

2005-04-03 [Fingon]: Well they deleted it and the ting is over but I never cared about that competition I cared about this competition because I took that photos. Nobody should not judge someone before thay get to know him. Run a full search with pictures I put on this competition and you won't finde a thing. OK?

2005-04-03 [Ocean Soul]: No no, I´m sorry, didn´t want to judge you or anything. All I say is, that the thing with the other competition was wrong. But that doesn´t allow a general judgement. And besides, photos are something entirely different anyway.

2005-04-03 [Fingon]: THANK YOU [Ocean Soul]

2005-04-03 [Rennie]: If we cannot play civilly children, we will not play at nice or stay out of the wiki please. ET Guard.

2005-04-04 [Doormat]: I think people are getting too impatient, starting little flame wars to pass the time...oh humanity...

2005-04-04 [Ihsahn]: meh it happens

2005-04-04 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeahh its been 2 weeks .. but not ot bad

2005-04-05 [Ihsahn]: i am not complaining

2005-04-05 [*moth*]: to wait pateintly and stuff. ranting wont make it come any sooner

2005-04-05 [Ihsahn]: yes i know if i wasn't patient about some badges I'd be griping about a donor badge, yet it doesn't matter to me, only the fact i am doing some good on elftown

2005-04-05 [Tyrana]: Badges are pretty much secondary. I think the biggest benefit personally is the opportunity to display my art. The badges are very thoughtful of Elftown, but I think I would enter the contests even if I didn't get a badge... just for fun. ^_^

2005-04-05 [nhd]: I think I will win guys~!

2005-04-06 [Orouriel]: haha ^-^ and what makes you think so :-P

2005-04-06 [Ihsahn]: hehe maybe you will =)

2005-04-07 [Master Fio]: i want another photo competition

2005-04-07 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: mee to . i didnt get to enter this one

2005-04-07 [01234]: I can't draw very well but I love photography, so I think we should definitely have another one soon!

2005-04-07 [Yuriona]: Don't worry. This definitely won't be the last photo competition we have. :D Next time though I think the theme will be a bit more obvious. Any suggestions??

2005-04-07 [Ihsahn]: barn yard animals? o.O

2005-04-07 [01234]: That would be cool! Or wildlife... or ocean scenes, I love the ocean!

2005-04-07 [Ihsahn]: yes ocean scenes!

2005-04-07 [*moth*]: nooo, not ocean scenes! i live no-where near the ocean!!!! A water-themed one would be cool though, cuz you could have rain and ocean scenes and stufff....

2005-04-07 [Minotaur Queen]: Pets..... Unusual camera effects(strange things happen to normal pictures), animals..... just about anything would be cool..... shots....

2005-04-07 [Ihsahn]: water scenes sounds nice :) so does pets yet i think [Hedda] woul win because his cat is cute

2005-04-07 [01234]: Water scenes could get too broad though... think about all the options! Like a "bodies of water" one... you could have lakes, streams, oceans that way but w/o the rain, snow, or man-made water scene options...

2005-04-07 [01234]: OOOO Sunsets!!! Those are awesome!

2005-04-07 [Ihsahn]: yes they are

2005-04-07 [Tyrana]: I like the water scenes idea. It is a broad subject, so there are more possibilities, and people will do creative things with it to make their pictures unique. I think sunsets are a great idea, too!

2005-04-07 [Ihsahn]: i tend to agree

2005-04-08 [Jess!]: Night photography might be cool and I like the animals idea as well.

2005-04-08 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ahh im getting impatient now . lol

2005-04-09 [Althanas]: tension...building.... must learn...winner......

2005-04-09 [Ihsahn]: arg matey

2005-04-09 [Tyrana]: Night photography would be very cool, though it seems it might limit the participants. Unless lots of people have night vision. Which they might :P... I really don't know. It would look really cool, though...

2005-04-09 [Noexistantanymo]: Or a light sensitive Cam.. Unlike mine >.<

2005-04-10 [Ocean Soul]: Slow shutter speed is also a possibility for that..

2005-04-10 [Noexistantanymo]: I can't adjust it on the one i got.. My regular cam broke.. So i got a cheap one 'til i get money to buy a good one >.<

2005-04-10 [Ocean Soul]: Aw that´s bad :( My digital one isn´t that good at adjusting such stuff, too, but the mirror reflex rocks! Nye *thinks* So expensive!

2005-04-10 [IzzyKSK]: Maybe a photo competition about movement, frozen in time... But that you can almost se it move...

2005-04-10 [Ocean Soul]: That would be interesting

2005-04-10 [IzzyKSK]: I thought so to^^, and I would be a chalange, and people who just want a badge would have a hard time makin a photo like that...

2005-04-11 [Fingon]: They still did not decided whos picture is the best?!

2005-04-11 [Noexistantanymo]: Nope, they haven't... And i would love to participate in a competition like that ^^

2005-04-11 [Ocean Soul]: Me too.. something really challenging, not such a snapshot competition ;)

2005-04-11 [Yuriona]: *taking notes* I'll remember you said that [Ocean Soul]. LOL!

2005-04-11 [Ocean Soul]: DAMN! ;)

2005-04-12 [Ihsahn]: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i got a new toy!

2005-04-14 [IzzyKSK]: Still not done with the voting ? XD

2005-04-14 [Yuriona]: Patience. The results will be revealed soon.

2005-04-14 [Ihsahn]: and will people please keep random chats out of the council and assembly wikis please?

2005-04-15 [Keii]: Congrats to the winners - they are very beautiful photos ^-^

2005-04-15 [Tupile]: It must have been tough to judge, there are a whole lot of really great photos entered in this contest!

2005-04-15 [Tyrana]: That's true. I love the winning photos, though. I'm very impressed. ^_^

2005-04-15 [Apus]: Congrats to the winners!

2005-04-16 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Congrats to the winners! It was great!

2005-04-16 [Q_Q]: hey next one can some one let me know please i have soo omg pics ok or mabe i just add this wiki ?

2005-04-16 [Zeni]: Is there going to be another one sometime?

2005-04-16 [Misty Air]: where can I see the winning photos?

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